
From anguish to desire

Anguish seems to imply a wait that is characterized by imprecision and a lack of objective. We might think that anguish is triggered by our deepest fears, by the very threat from nature itself, by other human beings, or by our own finiteness. So what becomes of our anguish?

What if our anguish is directed towards a certain nucleus of enjoyment that implies both, suffering and satisfaction? How can we avoid our compulsion toward the repetition involved in that particular enjoyment? How do we find our way to our desire, which is actually so close but so forgotten?

In this work, I explore the fundamental ideas related to the path that anguish takes on its journey towards desire. This involves the forgetfulness of being; the transformation that occurs in the subject when it assumes its mirror image; the omnipotence of the Other’s discourse; the fascinating power of a sublime image which always announces a lethal dimension; the loss as deep sadness; the childhood that overcomes our life.